Why I Quit RWA

The complete answer to the RWA survey that was sent to me when I did not renew my membership.  Why should we be in such seperate h...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thank Yous

In the September issue of Writer’s Digest, Sherman Alexie suggests we thank an author when we read a piece of theirs that we love. In the Nov./Dec. issue, M. Claudette Sandecki mentions this, too and says she thinks of it as ‘insurance' that more of similar work from the author will make its way to her.

It’s a great idea. A writer’s life is isolating. All of us wonder, sometimes if we connect with our readers. A simple note, offered to the writer telling them what we enjoyed.

I think it can go deeper than that. Everyone likes to know they’re doing a good job. It gives a lift to the trudge of everyday and helps maintain the work. I’d do it to a great waiter, a thoughtful hairdresser. (And throw in a tip.) It’s a way to connect to the writer, expecting nothing but wanting only to show appreciation for the enjoyment I got.

It’s such a simple thing to do with e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook, so available.

Give a writer a gift this holiday.

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