Why I Quit RWA

The complete answer to the RWA survey that was sent to me when I did not renew my membership.  Why should we be in such seperate h...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Color me, Pink

I’ve spent the last 18 hours
doing the Snoopy dance.

First, I was able to work for a while in the yard. The sun, so warm I didn’t need my garden jacket. I feel much like a bear, coming out of the cave after a long hibernation.

And then, I was informed yesterday that I won 15th place in the 6th annual Writer’s Digest Poetry Awards for Vintage Dust. At first I thought, 15th? Then I got thinking that there were a lot of entries that didn’t win. I would be tickled, if not pink, purple, and not so much pat myself on the back but say to me, good job.

So I e-mailed a copy to Writer’s Digest, as they told me to do, so they could publish it in the Competition Collection, which is better than the letter, certificate and $50 in Writer Digest Books. When I checked back later to see if I sent it correctly, (I’m notorious at doing dumb things when I e-mail) there was another e-mail informing me, I also, won 4th place for Spider Silk.

Well, tickle me pink, all right. Fourth, almost in the running. A$25 dollar check, the Poet Market 2011 and another poem published. Even, my name in the July/Aug Writer’s Digest.

Be it jewel or toy,
Not the prize gives the joy,
But the striving to win the prize.

Pisistratus Caxton, The Boatman


Anonymous said...


Christi Corbett

TiGi said...

Thanks so much. It's surprising what a boost something like this gives a writer toiling away. There is so little atta girls, isn't there? Thanks so much for the congrats. It made me smile all over again this morning.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful, Toni! To place so high in a major contest like Writer's Digest should be a HUGE boost! Congratulations!

TiGi said...

Thanks so much. Your support and kindness has been just wonderful. Thanks you.