Why I Quit RWA

The complete answer to the RWA survey that was sent to me when I did not renew my membership.  Why should we be in such seperate h...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Growing the Writing

Ahh, Spring. Finally! Shake off the doldrums of winter, the extra pounds, the lagging energy, the gray days, the lazy thoughts.
Plant: peas, lettuce, chard, done. Dust off and oil garden tools, wash up garden gloves and breathe in the scent of soil. Cut back the dried up sticks of the perennials, the scattered leaves, unearth the new starts and clean the patio. Spring.
Remind myself to make each minute count during my writing time. More time pulls and distractions, but embrace the season, face reality and give in by taking my writing outside. I’ll let spring spear me on.
Make time for a few field trips. Perfect spot to do that, right close. Several farms implementing  the 1870- method of farming within an hour’s drive, along with pioneer museums with every item imaginable used during that time. Details available, hands on experiences just around the corner. How lucky am I?
Spring is a chance to grow. Along with the daffodils and peonies, I think I’ll grow my writing.  

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