Why I Quit RWA

The complete answer to the RWA survey that was sent to me when I did not renew my membership.  Why should we be in such seperate h...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today's Lesson

Shower over. Taxes next. There is always something trying to edge out my writing. I’m not going to let it. Not today. Oh, there were sneaky invaders I had to deal with—something funky with the computer. Dealt with and…here I am. Writing.

Better than that…the sun is shining, promising a wonderful walk. The snow is melting off my front yard, leaving a dirty mess of walnut husks and shells…but birds foraging for walnut crumbs. I’m feeling a bit of cabin fever. Restless for spring.

I’ve accomplished much in the time I spent waiting for the computer fix.

And I suppose that is my lesson for today. There is always something you can accomplish toward your writing goals. Computer problems—read articles in the latest Writer’s Digest or the Writer. Power outage—do some hard copy edits or do needed research. Cabin fever—do that field research you’ve been putting off. Doctor’s appointment—observe people and take notes.

Make better friend with your writer’s journal. Make if messy, do it up real fine with tear-outs, notes, drawings, whatever helps you. Better yet, go back and read some of your old writer’s journals. I have found treasures there. Forgotten places.

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