Why I Quit RWA

The complete answer to the RWA survey that was sent to me when I did not renew my membership.  Why should we be in such seperate h...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Perspective and Point of View

There’s a storm on the horizon. The weatherman is talking snow, cold, wind. I’m so over all that, but there it is. It’s sad, too. My lilacs are out just enough that I think I might lose them and the leaves on my Japanese maples and tree peony have already frozen once. That is spring in the Rockies.

I won’t be as extravagant this year with the flowers, cutting back on some of the more expensive plants. That’s the economy and my husband’s repaired knee and it’s all right, too. I’m going for a simpler look anyway.

Sometimes the best times are the not so good times. You know how it is. The best plans get tripped up and you make the best of it. That happened again this weekend, but it turned out a decent, unplanned time with family, a change of pace and some reflection. Reflection is a good thing and I’ve decided perspective, like point of view, changes everything.
The swap meet is just another example of perspective and point of view. I love a good swap meet or yard sale. Trolling through other people’s cast-offs, finding something you have a need or purpose for, or best yet, you can repurpose. It’s a bit like a treasure hunt, but only you know the secret of the treasure and that’s—what you make of it.

Just last week I took a story that I’d submitted to several magazines and had rejected and changed the point of view. It changed the story, my writing and I hope the outcome. I like it so much better anyway. Who knew?
I am feeling indecently well. Though my morning walk has become just a tad bit sad, (my companion L.E. is no longer able to join me. She’s only six but has had hip problems since she was a pup. Not hip dysplasia, but another anomaly) it’s still invigorating, makes me happy and stirs this writer’s mind. And my garden…I love it in the spring as each new flower says hello. The rock cress looks amazing slipping through the castle rock along my wall. Along with the yellow daffodils…
And to top it off, a wonderful comment on my blog, a little encouragement. A challenge for my readers. Today, encourage, compliment and in general, make someone happy.

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